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The Most Delicious Dishes in North Macedonia

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  • Post last modified:22 October 2023
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North Macedonia is a small country in the Balkans region of Europe, but it has a rich and diverse cuisine.

The food in North Macedonia is influenced by the country’s Ottoman past, as well as by the neighboring countries of Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece.

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Here are some of the most delicious dishes in North Macedonia:

Tavče gravče or Tavche Gravche

Tavče gravče is the national dish of North Macedonia. It is a simple but delicious dish made with beans, onions, garlic, and spices. Tavče gravče is typically served in a clay pot and it is often eaten with bread or rice.

Tavche Gravche, Travel to North Macedonia,


Sarma is a popular dish in North Macedonia and throughout the Balkans. It is made with stuffed cabbage leaves.

The filling for sarma is typically made with ground meat, rice, and onions.

Sarma is typically served with a side of yogurt or sour cream.

Sarma Macedonian, North Macedonia, Travel to North Macedonia
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Musaka is another popular dish in North Macedonia.

It is a layered dish made with eggplant, potatoes, ground meat, and a white sauce.

Musaka is typically baked in the oven and it is often served with a side of salad.

Musaka Macedonian, North Macedonia, Travel to North Macedonian


Pastrmajlija is a savory pastry that is made with a filling of salted and dried meat, onions, and eggs.

Pastrmajlija is typically baked in the oven and it is often served with a side of yogurt or sour cream.

Pastrmajlija Macedonian, North Macedonia, Travel to North Macedonian
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Ajvar is a roasted pepper spread that is popular in North Macedonia and throughout the Balkans.

It is made with roasted red peppers, garlic, and spices.

Ajvar is typically served as a condiment or a side dish.

Ajvar-Balkan-Sauce-on-bread  Macedonian, North Macedonia, Travel to North Macedonian
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Ajvar-Balkan-Sauce-on-bread  Macedonian, North Macedonia, Travel to North Macedonian

Polneti piperki

Polneti piperki are stuffed bell peppers.

The filling for polneti piperki is typically made with ground meat, rice, onions, and spices.

Polneti piperki are typically baked in the oven and they are often served with a side of yogurt or sour cream.

Macedonian-Peppers polneti piperki Polneti piperki Macedonian, North Macedonia, Travel to North Macedonian
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Turlitava is a vegetable and meat stew that is popular in North Macedonia.

It is made with a variety of vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, and green beans.

Turlitava is also made with ground meat, such as beef or lamb. Turlitava is typically served with bread or rice.

turlitava-local-dish macedonian north Macedonia Macedonian-Macedonian, North Macedonia, Travel to North Macedonian
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Pindjur is a tomato and red pepper spread that is popular in North Macedonia and throughout the Balkans.

It is made with roasted tomatoes, red peppers, garlic, and spices. Pindjur is typically served as a condiment or a side dish.

pindjur-pindur-sos Macedonian dish Norht Macedonia


Zelnik is a savory pastry that is made with a filling of cheese, spinach, and eggs.

Zelnik is typically baked in the oven and it is often served with a side of yogurt or sour cream.

zelnik Macedonian dish North Macedonia
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Tulumba is a fried dough pastry that is popular in North Macedonia and throughout the Balkans.

It is made with a batter that is fried in hot oil and then coated in syrup. Tulumba is typically served as a dessert.

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Börek or Burek

Börek (Burek) is a savory pastry that is made with a filling of cheese, meat, or spinach. Börek is typically baked in the oven and it is often served with a side of yogurt or sour cream.

Where to eat the best Macedonian food?

The best Macedonian food can be found in traditional restaurants throughout the country. Some of the best restaurants in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, include:

Burek-pita North Macedonia Macedonian dish
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Pelister: This restaurant serves traditional Macedonian dishes in a cozy atmosphere.

Kaj Kane: This restaurant is known for its grilled meats and seafood.

Vila Bianca: This restaurant serves a variety of Macedonian dishes, including many vegetarian and vegan options.

Lokum: This restaurant is located in the Old Bazaar and it serves traditional Macedonian dishes in a beautiful setting.

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If you are looking for a more casual dining experience, you can also find Macedonian food at many of the cafes and fast food restaurants throughout the country.

Will you come to North Macedonia?

North Macedonia has a rich and diverse cuisine that is influenced by its Ottoman past and its neighboring countries.

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If you are visiting North Macedonia, be sure to try some of the delicious dishes listed above. You won’t be disappointed!

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