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7 Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping Ideas For A More Thoughtful Festive Season, For Christmas And New Year’s Eve!

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  • Post last modified:12 October 2023

7 Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping Ideas For A More Thoughtful Festive Season, For Christmas And New Year’s Eve!
Use these wonderful gift-wrapping ideas to commit to a more Eco-friendly holiday season.

Undoubtedly, the holiday season is one of the happiest times of the year, but it is also famous for being one of the most wasteful.

Our gift-wrapping choices are one area where most of us ignore the negative impacts, especially on the environment.

We all admit that we enjoy giving and receiving gifts.

But after we’ve torn open the wrapping, it often just gets put aside and isn’t used or seen again.
Avoid shiny and glitter-covered papers as much as you can because they are really just pre-made microplastics that can easily end up in rivers and seas and cannot be recycled.

Switching to more Eco-friendly wrapping is one of the most simple ways we can reduce our waste during the festive season.

Below, we explore seven quick and lovely gift-wrapping ideas that still look festive and are kind to the environment.

1. Fabric Wrapping Or Cloth Covering

Wrapping gifts in cloth is a common practice in Japan and it’s called ‘Furoshiki’.

To wrap gifts, square-shaped decorative fabrics can be used, which are a more Eco-friendly option than paper.

Fabric can be used repeatedly to create a unique and beautiful look for the gift. We recommend using either our linen napkins or placemats as they will also double as a much-loved gift.

2. Kraft Paper

Most types of wrapping paper can’t be recycled. Choose kraft paper instead of shiny, laminated, or any other glossy paper because it is recyclable and biodegradable.

Moreover, it will give your gifts a charming rustic appearance. For an extra bit of holiday cheer, tie on some string and a sprig of pine. Remember that because butcher’s paper is waxed, it is also not recyclable.

3. Linen Sacks

An attractive and useful choice for gift wrapping is linen sack.

Wrap your magic gift into the linen bag and add a touch to it with a sweet personal note. It will be very simple and at the same time authentic gift.

While there are many other uses for the linen sacks, they also make excellent holiday gift wrap. Best part?

No need for scissors or tape!

4. Old Packaging

If you’re a little bit more conscious/thrifty, you probably have some already used wrapping paper or packaging jammed into a drawer at home. The best time to reuse this is around Christmas!

While wrapping gifts in toilet paper might not seem like the most glamorous option, the geniuses at Who Gives a Crap, a company that sells 100% recycled toilet paper, have created their wrappers to be as attractive as possible so that you can and will want to reuse them.

5. Using Magazines/Newspapers

You now have the opportunity to put those old magazines and newspapers you’ve been meaning to get rid of to new use!

Even if you don’t have any of these items at home, buying a newspaper is a perfect replacement because it’s affordable, and recyclable, which gives your decorations a vintage Christmas appearance.

6. Baskets/Boxes

You should use whatever boxes or baskets you may have lying around at home, such as the cardboard delivery boxes from all of your quarantine-shopping purchases.

You can wrap them in kraft paper if they are very worn-out-looking. Don’t forget to keep any of the boxes you receive in the lead up to Christmas!

7. Natural Or Organic Decorative Elements

Choose dried citrus fruit or sprigs of thyme/leaves to embellish your gifts rather than ribbons or stickers.

It’s a wonderful and guilt-free method to improve the aesthetics of your gift, and after use, they can simply be composted or added to the garden.

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