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Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping With Flowers And Leaves

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  • Post last modified:12 October 2023

We use flowers for Christmas gift wrapping because they are Eco-friendly, recyclable, and beautiful at the same time. We love flowers and want to surround ourselves with them.

Flowers, leaves and berries are great alternatives to traditional one-time-use gift decorations such as plastic bows and ribbons. Today, we’ll show with you how easy and fun it is to gift wrap with flowers and leaves and share some examples with you as well.

The best part is that they may be used for all gifting occasions, especially during Christmas time! An added bonus is that you get to work with pretty flowers and leaves. What can be better?

All you need is:
a variety of flowers, leaves, vines, fruit, berries, etc.
twine or reusable ribbon
solid colored paper, such as kraft paper rolls, or colored paper drawing sheets
clear or washi tape
sharp scissors

Where Can I Get Flowers And Leaves To Decorate Gifts?

The following are some potential sources for natural gift toppers:

Flowers that have already been dried, such as lavender, houseplants, and flowers from the backyard and neighborhood trees, as well as you can ask to take flowers from friends’ gardens and the flower/plant section of grocery stores, you can also gather houseplant leaves and neighborhood tree leaves.

Small lemons, kumquats, dogwood tree fruit, red berries that you might find on a sidewalk tree in the neighborhood, a baby roses, and so many other fruits and flowers that you can find, you wanna use for gift wrapping.

tip: flatten thin leaves under a book or tray overnight or longer, so that they don’t curl up as they dry throughout the day.

Wrapping Your Gifts

We advise choosing colored kraft paper or colored drawing paper as the foundation of your gift wrapping since they serve as the perfect backdrop for your lovely toppers.
Additionally, they are compostable or recyclable.

Ikea also sells a cheap roll of drawing paper for kids, which is excellent for wrapping presents.

Use reusable ribbon or thread to bind your gift.

Start placing your materials on your gift to get to the exciting part!

Making your own work of art is where creativity begins!
You may make it seem spectacular by layering on a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, or by adding just a few stems of fresh or dried flowers.

If necessary, tape them down to keep them in position.
When recycling the flowers and leaves later, hey can either go in the garbage or be recycled with paper.

Start placing your components on your gift to get to the exciting part!
Making your own work of art is where creativity begins!

You may make it seem striking by layering on a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, or by adding just a few stems of fresh or dried flowers.

If necessary, tape them down to keep them in position. When composting the flowers and leaves later, be sure to take them out.

They can either go in the garbage or be recycled with the paper.

If you aren’t going to be preparing and presenting fresh flowers soon, pick ones that are more robust.

Carnations are a fantastic alternative and are frequently inexpensive to purchase at the grocery store.

If you can prepare and present them right away, you can use more fragile flowers like roses or orchids.
Otherwise, the flowers may wilt or become damaged.

including the stem will make flowers more sturdy and easier to place into the ribbon or string.

To prevent them from curling as they dry over the day, flatten thin leaves under a book or tray for as long as necessary, ideally overnight.

Alternatively, pick strong leaves that will keep their form and color for a few days.

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Keeping Flowers Fresh!

If you are preparing your flower decorations ahead of time, you can store them in the refrigerator to keep them fresh.

As toppers, you can knot small bundles together, wrap them loosely in a damp paper towel, and then put a plastic container or bag on top of them. This ought to preserve them for a few days.


There are several benefits to using natural elements to decorate your gifts, in addition to making and presenting gorgeously wrapped gifts with vibrant flowers and leaves!

Here are some of them:
It brings you joy! People are happier in nature and with flowers!
It’s recyclable to use natural elements in gift wrapping instead of mass-produced decorations.

It’s often free.

Gathering materials will involve walking and exploring in the nature and being near plats vs the crowded store full of commercialistic items for Christmas and holiday season.

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Happy Gift Wrapping You All!

We hope that you enjoyed this post! Please share, comment and stay creative during these beautiful seasonal time of the year!